Diversity Charter

From TerGoPedia

An international workplace diversity initiative supported by the European Commission.

It aims to promote equal employment opportunities regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, degree of disability, ethnicity, age or religion and to contribute to the creation of more open and inclusive workplaces in Poland.

Diversity Charter is a commitment voluntarily signed by signatories who choose to prohibit discrimination in the workplace and work to create and promote diversity. It also expresses its willingness to involve its employees and all of the company's partners in efforts to promote social cohesion and equality.

The Diversity Charters are in operations in 26 European countries, so far[1].

  1. https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/combatting-discrimination/tackling-discrimination/diversity-and-inclusion-initiatives/diversity-charters-eu-country_en
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